
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on huhtikuu, 2018.

Your (Rookie) Partner-in-Wine – Salon 1999

The wine review of this week is about champagne that is a bit special one. At least it was really special for our family as we opened that on the very day we realized we were going to move to France. I had absolutely no intention to lay my hands on this bottle for many years, even decades, but the occasion got the better of me. When realizing we will leave our old and comfy life for the big unknown celebration was indeed in place and I could not really think better champagne than Salon to toast for the new life and journey which was just about to begin. I came to think of this bubbly as we are again heading to a crossroad and our life might bend to a different direction yet again. I will tell you more about this when the details are certain and confirmed but exciting news ahead, that is for sure!   But now back to Salon. Salon Champagne is one of the most luxurious and illustrious houses in the champagne region. Salon was established in the beginning of 20th century...

Your (Rookie) Partner in Wine - Larmandier Bernier

Because of Easter activities this week's wine review is a bit late. Those of you who are following my instagram already know that we are currently in Chamonix as we came here to celebrate Easter with family and friends in the mountains. I have spent my time here mostly on skiing and relaxing and hadn't had time to write anything. However now, when the lamb is in marinade waiting to be grilled and our daughter is having a nap after an active morning outdoors, I finally have a moment to sit down and write a post of my recommendation of the champagne of this spring. This tip might come little late for Easter festives but luckily during spring and summer there are many great reasons (excuses) to celebrate with the bubbly. And let me assure you that this specific bottle is the bottle you have been looking for for your special occasions.    Larmandier-Bernier  Larmandier-Bernier champagne house was only established in 1971. It is a fairly new house but both f...